- New claim - BWC has received your claim and is investigating to determine whether it meets our criteria and is valid. At this time, the claims have no International Classification of Diseases
(ICD) codes for the injuries.
- Pending (a.k.a. alleged) - Claim is still under investigation and has no ICD codes for specific injuries.
- Allowed/appeal - BWC has issued an order allowing your claim; however, the claim is still within the appeal period. Any party to the claim can file an appeal during the appeal period.
- Allowed - BWC has issued an order allowing your claim. No one filed an appeal or The Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC) has allowed your claim in a hearing.
- Hearing - A party to the claim has filed an appeal to our order which allowed/disallowed your claim. We have referred it to the IC for a formal hearing.
- Hearing DHO - The IC has allowed the claim at the first hearing level, but the claim is still within the appeal period. We can pay compensation; however, the injured worker cannot receive medical benefits
until the appeal period has ended, or the claim goes to the next hearing level.
- Disallowed/appeal - We have completed our investigation, and it appears the injury does not meet our guidelines for allowance. A BWC order has been issued denying the claim, but the claim is still
within the appeal period. At this time any party to the claim may file an appeal to the claim denial.
- Disallowed - We have issued an order denying your claim. No one filed an appeal or the IC has denied your claim in a hearing.
- Dismissed - You or your authorized representative has voluntarily withdrawn your claim before we made a decision. Withdrawing this claim will not have a negative effect on any future claims you file.
- Pending settled - medical and indemnity - A settlement agreement has been generated to settle your claim in its entirety. We will hold the claim for 30 days before finalizing settlement. During the hold period any
party to the claim may withdraw from the settlement.
- Pending settled - indemnity - All parties have agreed to settle the indemnity (compensation) portion of your claim. The medical portion of the claim will remain open. BWC will hold the claim for 30 days before
finalizing the settlement. During the hold period any party to the claim may withdraw from the settlement.
- Pending settled - medical - All parties have agreed to settle the medical portion of your claim. The indemnity (compensation) portion of the claim will remain open. We will hold the claim for 30 days before
finalizing settlement. During the hold period any party to the claim may withdraw from the settlement.
- Settled - medical and indemnity - We will close the claim in its entirety in exchange for an agreed upon sum of money. BWC will pay no additional medical treatment or compensation. once it's settled;
- Settled medical - We will close the medical portion of your claim in its entirety in exchange for an agreed upon sum of money. We and your managed care organization will pay for no additional medical treatment
once it's settled.
- Settled indemnity - We will close the indemnity (compensation) portion of your claim in its entirety in exchange for an agreed upon sum of money. BWC will pay no additional compensation once it's settled.
- Claim status date - The date the status of the claim became effective.
- Active/Inactive status - This status indicates the claim has had recent activity and we are providing ongoing services. A claim is classified as active provided that no more than 24 months have passed
since the last date of medical service or compensation payment. Also, no outstanding Application for Determination of Percentage of Permanent Partial Disability or Increase of Permanent Partial Disability (C-92), Settlement Agreement and
Application for Approval of Settlement Agreement (C-240) or Application for Permanent Total Disability (IC-2) applications exist for this claim.
- Active/Inactive status date - This is the date the claim became active/inactive according to the criteria above.