Provider look-up

Please enter the search criteria, and then click search.

Note: While BWC has approved all providers listed within this look-up to do business with us, they may not be accepting new patients and may not have updated us on address changes.

If you would like to search for a Pharmacy, click here.

If you would like to search for an Enhanced Care Program physician, click here.

If you need further assistance to find a provider, contact your managed care organization.


Please provide a valid city
Please select a State
Please provide a valid ZIP code
Please select a County


Please provide a valid provider name

Individual search: use Last name, First name
Business/Sole Proprietor search: use DBA name

Please select a dropdown value
Please select a dropdown value
Please select a dropdown value

Provider Numbers

Please provide a valid provider base number

Use 7 digit provider base (1234567) or also include the suffix (1234567-1234)

Please provide a valid npi number


Please provide a valid value