OhioBWC - Provider - Service:  GenericPolicy

Generic drug requirements

BWC no longer reimburses for brand name drugs when a generic equivalent is widely available. This rule applies to all claims, regardless of date of injury. If a brand name drug is prescribed, there are several options.

  • The physician agrees that a generic drug may be dispensed.
  • The physician prescribes a different drug.
  • The brand name drug is dispensed, and the injured worker pays the difference in price.
Even if the physician writes dispense as written or DAW on the prescription, the injured worker will be responsible for the cost difference between the generic and brand name medication.

You can submit questions regarding this rule in one of three ways.

  1. Email - Pharmacy department
  2. Mail - Pharmacy Department
    Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation
    30 W. Spring St., 21st floor
    Columbus, OH 43215-2256
  3. Fax - 614-621-5220
