OhioBWC - Basics: (Policy library) - File


The purpose of this document is to provide information needed for using the BWC test hubs. Questions, concerns, or issues with the test hubs, please contact BWC Applications QA <applicationsqa@bwc.state.oh.us> email group and not the BWC IT Service Desk.  Test hub owners are the members of the BWC Application QA Team.

Use Policy:

1.       “Idle” session to 3 hours = after 3 hours of inactivity, the session will go into a “Disconnected” state.

2.       “Log off” session to 6 hours = the “Disconnected” state may be resumed at any time, but after 6 hours the session will be completely logged off the test hub. Any open applications, documents will not be saved, and any data would be lost.

The Test Hubs:

First time testers:

1.       Prior to the first-time logging in into the test hub, please call the IT Service Desk (614-644-0479) and ask for your TESTBWCAD password to be reset. NOTE:  First time logging in with the reset password, a prompt will appear to change your TESTBWCAD password before getting into the test hub desktop.

2.       If at any time you forget your TESTBWCAD password, please use one of the following options:

a.       Call the IT Service Desk and ask them to reset your TESTBWCAD password.

b.       Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up a menu and select “change a password”.

                                                               i.      If username appears – enter Test in front of BWCAD

                                                             ii.      Enter old password

                                                            iii.      Enter new password twice

                                                            iv.      Click on the arrow button on the confirm new password field.

c.        Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up a menu and select “change a password”.

                                                               i.      If username does not appear, click on the sign on link under password

                                                             ii.      Click on the icon that has BWC (usually the right icon)

                                                            iii.      Username should appear - enter Test in front of BWCAD

                                                            iv.      Enter old password

                                                              v.      Enter new password twice

                                                            vi.      Click on the arrow button on the confirm new password field.

NOTE:  Be sure to change the username to TESTBWCAD\A##### to change the TESTBWCAD password otherwise this will change your main BWC password to get into your laptop.

d.       Use the new Password self service management application Password Management Client (avatier.com). – Future  Enhancement – coming soon.





The 2 test hubs are: (NOTE: Either test hub can be used for testing.  All test regions can be reached in both hubs except for UDS).

1.       bwcsoctmtsctt01

2.       bwcsoctmtsctt02



For UDS testing/functionality – Please remote into the correct test hub as indicated below:   

·         SYSA - bwcsoctmtsctt01 = To test UDS using the SYSA stack – remote into “01” = bwcsoctmtsctt01

·          PERF - bwcsoctmtsctt02 = To test UDS using the PERF stack – remote into “02” = bwcsoctmtsctt02


Remoting into the test hubs:

·         If you have remoted into a test hub in the past, then the computer and username should be set to the test hub you used last.  If you need to change the test hub, you can just type/paste the test hub name into the computer name for remote desktop connection.



·         Make sure the username starts with TESTBWCAD and NOT BWCAD domain.



Remoting into the test hubs (continued):

·         Here’s a video on How to access Remote Desktop:

·         Here’s a video on logging into the test hubs:

·         Please refer the Use Policy for these test hubs.

Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS/New DevOps):

Accessing TFS (web based only):

·         Accessing TFS can now be accessed on your desktop OR on the test hub.

·         Access using MS Edge or Chrome from your desktop.

·         Access from Desktop enter your TESTBWCAD\A##### user ID and TESTBWCAD password.

·         Here’s a video on access the TFS from your desktop using the URL below:

·         Here’s a video on access the TFS from the test hubs:

Set TFS as your favorite on your Desktop browser:

·         You can save to the main project listing.

·         You can save to your project’s dashboard page.


TFS/DevOps URL: https://tfsprod:8443/tfs/DefaultCollection/_projects