OhioBWC - Employer - Form: Best Practices Search

Safety Grant Best Practices

The safety grant program was created to provide funds to assist Ohio employers in reducing or eliminating the risk of injuries and illnesses in the workplace. In return, employers provided research data over a two year period on the effectiveness of the equipment following the purchase and implementation of their equipment.

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New! Safety Grants success story videos now available.

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Disclaimer: If implemented correctly by the employer, the goal of the safety grant best practices is to substantially reduce or eliminate injury and illness in the workplace and, hence, claims associated with the affected processes. BWC does not guarantee or warrant that the implementation of such a plan will result in a substantial reduction or elimination of injuries and illnesses in the workplace. In the event of an injury or occupational disease arising from the implementation of the program, the employer and the employee's sole and exclusive remedy shall be pursuant to workers' compensation laws of the appropriate jurisdiction. In no event, shall BWC be liable for any damages in contract or in tort.

Safety Grant Effectiveness - Journal Article

Presentation: Effectiveness of BWC Safety Grants Program

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