OhioBWC - Worker - Service:  (Compensation payment history) - Details

Compensation payment history

Injured workers, employers, surviving spouses, dependents and their designees can view compensation payment history online. They can search by compensation type and payment periods. All compensation paid as of Jan. 1, 1999, and beyond can be viewed.

Here are the types of compensation payments viewable here.

  • Temporary total (TT)
  • Gradual return to work (GRTW)
  • Salary continuation (SC)
  • Permanent partial (PP)
  • Percentage of permanent partial (%PP)
  • Scheduled loss (SL)
  • Living maintenance (LM)
  • Working wage loss (WWL)
  • Non-working wage loss (NWWL)
  • Living maintenance wage loss (LMWL)
  • Permanent total disability (PTD)
  • Lump sum settlement (LSS)
  • Lump sum advancement (LSA)
  • Lump sum advancement attorney fees (LSAAF)
  • Affidavit for attorney fees
  • Disabled Workers' Relief Fund (DWRF)
  • Disabled Workers' Relief Fund lump sum (DLS)
  • Violation of a specific safety requirement (VSSR)
  • Temporary partial (TP)
  • Change of occupation (CO)
  • Facial disfigurement (FD)
  • Death benefits paid to surviving child (DTH-CHILD)
  • Death benefits paid to surviving spouse (DTH-WIDOW)

Here is the payment information viewable here.

  • Name of the party the check was made payable to
  • Address where the check was sent
  • Type of compensation paid
  • Beginning and ending dates for the payment period
  • Payment method
  • Check number
  • Check amount
  • Date BWC issued the check
  • Check status
  • Check status date

If you have any questions about the information displayed here, contact your claims service specialist.
