4123-6-52 Employer participation in the QHP system - initial QHP certification enrollment period established; length of certification period.

(A) The bureau shall establish an initial QHP certification enrollment period upon inception of the QHP system to allow health plans to seek certification for participation in the QHP system.

(B) After the initial QHP certification enrollment period upon inception of the QHP system, the bureau shall continue to certify health plans and shall periodically, at least annually, update its list of certified QHPs.

(C) QHP certification by the bureau shall be for a period of three years.

Promulgated Under: R.C. Ch. 119

Rule Authorized by: R.C. Sec. 4121.12, 4121.30, 4121.31, 4123.05

Rule Amplifies: R.C. Sec. 4121.121, 4121.44, 4121.441, 4121.442, 4123.66