4123-6-09 Payment during adjudication of claim.

(A) The bureau shall not make medical payments in a disallowed claim or for conditions not allowed in a claim until permitted to do so under the provisions of section 4123.511 of the Revised Code or except as provided by the rehabilitation rules of Chapter 4123-18 of the Administrative Code. If during the adjudication of the claim before either the bureau or the Industrial Commission the claim or conditions therein are either allowed or disallowed, the bureau shall notify all parties and the MCO that the claim or conditions are allowed or disallowed, and if disallowed, that treatment rendered therefore may not be paid by the bureau.

(B) During the adjudication process, the provider may continue to render or the MCO may continue to manage medical services on behalf of the employee, but the bureau shall not pay the MCO for services in a disallowed claim or for disallowed conditions. The MCO shall inform the employee that the services provided may not be covered by workers' compensation and may be the responsibility of the employee.

Effective date: Feb. 16, 1996