Trustees of Ohio’s workers’ comp system
Two separate agencies administer Ohio’s workers’ compensation system: the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) and the Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC). BWC is the administrative and insurance arm. The IC is the claims adjudicative branch.

BWC collects workers’ compensation insurance premiums from employers, oversees the insurance system, and pays compensable claims to injured workers. The IC steps in to resolve any disputes that arise from a workers’ comp claim.

Joint BWC/IC annual report
To ensure fairness and impartially within the system, BWC and the IC operate as independent agencies. However, the law requires BWC to prepare and publish an annual report for both agencies each year. [Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4123.22] This joint BWC/IC annual report fulfills this requirement for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.

Comprehensive reporting
In addition to this document, BWC publishes reports for audiences ranging from the governor and the statehouse, to stakeholders and the public. To maintain transparency, BWC has rolled most of these reports into one package this year. So this annual report packet also includes the items listed below.

Restoring Operational Excellence - Comprehensive, Customer-Focused Reform of Ohio Workers' Compensation System

BWC's Division of Safety & Hygiene annual report

BWC's Special Investigations Unit annual report

Outcomes and Savings of the Health Partnership Program
(semi-annual report)

Annual actuarial audit

Annual actuarial audit appendix